Happy birthday to LITTLE CHEF’S APRON!!!

Hi everyone!!!! I am really excited for this post as exactly on 29 August last year in 2020 I registered on WordPress with this blog. The time really flew by as a blink of an eye and it has been such a wonderful experience.

I remember how I felt on making the first post. I was so anxious if the community would like the content I share. Well, I have never been more happy and this is such a wonderful opportunity for anyone to showcase their content.

You guys have given me so much of support, with the most sweetest comments ever!

When I look back at my much older posts, I feel happy to see for myself ,the improvement that happened. Here is the link to my first ever post and let me know what you think of it and where do you think I did improve!


As you all know, I love to make cakes on any occasion, here I am with another one! Well, I am not sharing the recipe directions. I just wanted to show you the final outcome and share my experiences with you!

Marble cake with whipped cream:

I wanted to innovate and try something new. I made this cake by pouring vanilla batter and chocolate batter alternately. When its baked and sliced this is what the texture and design looks like:

I layered it with plain vanilla whipped cream and decorated with chocolate cream to create a contrast.

I used the compound chocolate to make the shape of 1.

I used star nozzle to make rosettes on top.

After the making of the cake, I refrigerated the frosted cake to make the layers set.

I wanted to take a very aesthetic picture with a setup that I do all on my own. To be honest, it was delicious and you should definitely try it.


Okay , so, I want to say that in a few days I will be opening an Instagram page for food photography, plating and styling!! I am extremely excited for this and I already have some pictures and videos that I have been working on. I will inform you guys when it is open and I would love to know what you think of it.

Question of the day!

This is a question that I saved for this day. What post of mine is your favourite? I would love to know the most liked recipe. Let me know in the comments.

I hope you guys liked today’s post and if you have any suggestion, request or question, ask away! See you in the next post!!

52 thoughts on “Happy birthday to LITTLE CHEF’S APRON!!!

  1. Congratulations on reaching your first blogging anniversary. Perhaps my favourite recipe is: The Dessert In Disguise – simply awesome. What you have prepared for your Instagram page sounds fabulous too. Here is to your next anniversary 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  2. SMiLes Happy Recipe Blogging
    1st Anniversary Such A Delightful
    Young Creative Woman You are…

    i Tend to Write A Lot of Words Yet
    i’ve Been More of A Visually Thinking
    And Interpreting Human Through Most

    of My Life

    You Are So
    Articulate And
    To The Point So
    Organized Creating

    Stellar Visual Art of
    the Recipes You Make…

    i Sense a Long Life of Bringing
    Creative Breath to the World

    Yes You Keep improving!

    Stay Inspired

    Go Where



    Has Gone Before
    Dear Young Chef Aarushi…

    Hehe When i Was Your Age
    i Couldn’t even Figure Out How
    To Smile For The Class Photo…

    And Yes i Still Have the Proof HAha…

    Still Practicing As A Dinosaur With Big Teeth…;)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oml yaayyyyyyy Happy Blogiversary!!! Cheers to MANYYY more yearss🤍🤍🤍🤍
    And that cakeeeeeee….is there any way I could eat it right now?🥺🥺
    Don’t ask such a hard question! I love ALL YOUR recipes sooo much that it’s difficult to choose one! So my answer will be all of them🤍🥺

    Liked by 1 person

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